St. Philip Lutheran School’s Summer Program
June 10th- August 2nd, 2024
This year St. Philip is offering a creative outlet for your child during our summer program. Beginning Monday, June 10th, and continuing through August 2nd, St. Philip City Explorers will offer a wide spectrum of activities to keep your child engaged all summer long. Each activity will be geared so that there is an aspect appropriate for all ages. It is sure to be a summer filled with fun!
This summer, campers have the option to either attend full day or half day (8:30-11:30 AM) and either 5 days a week or 3 days a week (Tues, Wed, Thurs). The cost of the camp for five full days is $280 per week plus a $50 registration fee (covers t-shirt and registration). Those students attending in the morning only, or less than five full days, will be advised of the fee. This summer we will be offering field trips! Fieldtrip payment is due after the child receives the Fieldtrip form at camp. St. Philip will be closed on Thursday, July 4th, and Friday, July 5th for the Independence Day holiday.
​Camp hours: Monday – Friday (7 AM-6 PM); Camp Programming begins at 8:30 AM and concludes at 3 PM.

Summer Camp Notice:
Summer Camp registration for St. Philip City Explorers program is now closed!
Don't worry if you missed the deadline!
We may still have some spots available. Please contact Jessica Livas at to inquire about camp availability.
See you this summer for an adventure-filled experience!