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What We Do:


Christians are to gather together to worship their Lord. Members of this parish gather together to express their praise and thanksgiving to God. They bring to Him their prayers and are nourished and strengthened by God's Word and Sacraments. They build-up one another as members of His Body the Church. By their worship, they demonstrate to the world their allegiance to Christ and witness to His Lordship over every area of life. 


Christians are to grow in peace and Knowledge of their Lord. For this purpose, God has established the ministry to be a means of teaching His People and equipping them for His Mission. Members of this parish are to strengthen themselves through private study, public teaching, and mutual sharing of the truths of His Word.


Christians are afforded the opportunity to commune with their Lord in the Lord's Supper and to receive and participate in the blessings of the redemption. He won for them through His death and resurrection. Members of this parish have the opportunity of fellowship with one another as together they celebrate what God has done for them in Christ by preaching, teaching, study opportunities, diverse worship experiences, and gatherings for various purposes. Every encounter a Christian has with another is an occasion for mutual edification and up-building through the operation of the Holy Spirit.


Through Baptism, Christians become both God's children and His witnesses. Members of this parish are to carry Christ's message to the world through daily witness in word and deed, through the witness of the congregation, and through the proclamation of the Gospel throughout the world. Individual Christians are thereby committed to the prayerful and financial support of the various means by which they may extend their worldwide mission. 


Recognizing that all life is under the Lordship of Jesus Christ, Christians are to do God's work through their vocations and in their home, church, and state. Members of this parish are to demonstrate Christian love by extending justice and social acceptance to all, and by ministering to the total being. Such a demonstration of Christian love adds power to the proclamation of the Gospel.

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