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Building Social-Emotional Skills to Manage Frustration in School

At St. Philip Lutheran School, our focus is on providing a comprehensive education for every aspect of a child's development.

This is achieved by fulfilling not only a child's academic needs but also taking into account their social and emotional well-being. Social-emotional learning (SEL) refers to the cultivation of self-awareness, self-regulation, and interpersonal skills that are crucial for achieving success in school, the workplace, and various aspects of life. As young adults progress into adulthood, those who possess strong social and emotional skills are more capable of navigating through daily obstacles and have the necessary skills to achieve success in their academic, professional, and social lives.

One of our middle school teachers came across a frustration chart, as a resource for his class. See the frustration chart below. The purpose of displaying this chart in our classrooms at St. Philip is to assist children in finding the right words to communicate their frustration to their teacher. The utilization of this chart in our middle school classroom helped to decrease emotional outbursts caused by frustration and enabled our teachers to better assist students with the challenging concepts they were struggling with.

St. Philip teachers go the extra mile to meet the needs of our students not only academically, but also emotionally, we are so grateful to have such an amazing group of educators at our school!

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